Abb Cap 505 Software Download
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- CAP 505 Relay. CAP 505 2.5.0 is available as a free download on our software library. Our antivirus check shows that this download is safe. The software lies within Development Tools, more precisely Distribution. The latest setup file that can be downloaded is 142.4 MB in size. This tool was originally created by ABB Oy. CAP 505 can be used to.
Automation is our foundation. We are dedicated innovators delivering smarter, connected solutions to the world around us. Our future is propelled by our long legacy of creating Allen-Bradley integrated control and information solutions that make you as productive as possible.
.We reserve the right to change data without prior notice. Notice 1 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any error that may occur in this document. Notice 2 This document complies with the program revision v.LIB 510 Operator’s Manual 1MRS751888-MUM SMS 510 manuals SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning 1MRS751897-MEN SMS 510 Operator’s Manual 1MRS751898-MUM CAP 505 manuals CAP 505 Installation and Commissioning 1MRS751901-MEN CAP 505 Operator’s Manual 1MRS751902-MUM Relay Configuration Tool Tutorial 1MRS751903-MEN Relay Mimic Editor Configuration 1MRS751904-MEN.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 1 Introduction 2 Using the POD tool 3 POD tool functionality ABB Automation. Using the navigator tree.13 3.1.2. Customizing tables view.14 3.2. Opening a protocol template.14 3.3.
Editing tables.16 3.3.1. Column types.17 3.3.2. Column display modes.17 3.3.3. Fast edit mode.18 3.4. Exporting tables.19 ABB Automation.3.6.3.
Autoload mode.23 3.6.4. Store and hardware reset.23 3.6.5. Reading diagnostics information.23 3.7. POD binary file.25 3.8.
Saving a protocol configuration.25 3.8.1. Taking backups.

Printing.26 ABB Automation.Used communication protocols for sending and receiving the POD tables are either SPA or LON. This is defined in the General Object Attributes dialog in CAP 505. This means that you do not define which protocol should be used with the Protocol Editing tool.POD configuration to these locations.
Starting the Protocol Editing Tool The Protocol Editing Tool is started from the Project Navigator in CAP 505 (see Figure 2.3.-1). )LJ000100014 6WDUWLQJ WKH 3URWRFRO (GLWLQJ 7RRO If a work configuration is found in the project folder, this is opened automatically at start-up.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 2. Using the Protocol Edit- User’s Guide ing Tool When the POD tool is started a dialog pops up on the screen and the user is asked if there is a connection to the device or not.
See Figure 2.3.-2.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 2. Using the Protocol Edit- ing Tool 2.3.2. File menu The following figure shows the POD tool file menu. The different menu functions are explained below.

)LJ0000014 7KH ILOH PHQX LQ WKH 32' WRRO In basic mode it is not possible to create a new protocol image.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 2. Using the Protocol Edit- User’s Guide ing Tool
Export This option allows you to export a complete protocol table or only the selected cells in it. It is saved as a text file. After exporting a table you can open its text file and edit it with an external tool, e.g.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 2.
Using the Protocol Edit- ing Tool 2.3.3. Edit menu The following figure shows the components of the Edit menu of the POD tool. The greyed functions are disabled when working in basic mode.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 2.
Using the Protocol Edit- User’s Guide ing Tool )LJ0000014 7KH YLHZ PHQX With the functions in this menu you define which signals you want to view in the POD table. This method of showing the signals can be called virtual filtering. This means that the signals are only filtered out from the user view, not from the configuration.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 2. Using the Protocol Edit- ing Tool You can also choose the upload button from the toolbar (see the figure below). Download Downloading means that you transfer a protocol table from the computer to the relay.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 2. Using the Protocol Edit- User’s Guide ing Tool )LJ0000015 $ERXW 32' 7RRO GLDORJ The dialog box About POD Tool contains information on current version of the POD tool. The two arrow buttons in the upper right corner are scroll buttons.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 3.
Protocol Editing Tool functionality Protocol Editing Tool functionality This chapter explains how to use the Protocol Editing tool (POD tool). Main dialog A typical view of the POD tool main dialog is shown in the following figure (see Fig.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 3.
Cap 505 64 Bit
Protocol Editing Tool User’s Guide functionality The statusbar contains five fields: 1. Current path selected in the navigator tree 2. Status field of the consistency between the opened protocol table structures and the tables stored in the relay 3.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 3. Protocol Editing Tool functionality Using the navigator tree The navigator tree is built according to the sorting mode that is in use. No sorting If the current sorting mode is “no sorting” the tree will be empty.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 3.
Protocol Editing Tool User’s Guide functionality 3.1.2. Customizing tables view The user can choose which columns should be visible in each table. This is defined in the “Customize” dialog which is opened from the Tools menu. 3.1.2.-1.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 3.
Protocol Editing Tool functionality the menu File - Open. Command, or the “Open” toolbar button. When you choose “Open” the following dialog appears on the screen: )LJ000100014 7KH 2SHQ GLDORJ Table 3.2.-1 Explanation of the table columns in the open dialog.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 3.
Protocol Editing Tool User’s Guide functionality checksum is the same as the value read from the channel corresponding to the protocol number of the configuration. Consistent configurations are shown in the list with white background color. Configurations that are colored grey, are used for inconsistent configurations.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 3. Protocol Editing Tool functionality Which one of the methods is used depends on the column type, column display mode and “Fast edit” mode status. When some cells of the protocol specific columns have been modified, the cell texts are shown with blue color.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 3. Protocol Editing Tool User’s Guide functionality 0016 Choose, from the pop-up dialog, the column display mode that you want and click OK.
)LJ0000015 7KH &ROXPQ GLVSOD PRGH GLDORJ All cell values in the edited column will have the same display mode. The settings work for the column where at least one cell has been selected.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 3. Protocol Editing Tool functionality The same pop-up dialog opens when you edit a single cell without using the “Fast edit” mode. The “Fast edit” mode is disabled if you choose cells from more than one column at a time.The relay configuration is done with the Relay Configuration tool found in CAP 505.
The function block list will be updated at the start-up of the “Active Functions Blocks” dialog.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 3. Protocol Editing Tool functionality 3.6.1. Uploading and downloading the table cells You can find the Upload/Download functions from the “Transfers” menu or from the toolbar buttons. When you choose Upload the following dialog opens.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 3. Protocol Editing Tool User’s Guide functionality Upload2.tif )LJ0000016 7KH ZDUQLQJ GLDORJ ZKLFK DSSHDUV ZKHQ XSORDGLQJ DQ LQFRQVLVWHQW FRQILJXUDWLRQ If the user confirms the operation, all general columns will be cleared after full uploading.Protocol Editing Tool CAP 505 1MRS751982-MUM User’s Guide 3. Protocol Editing Tool functionality 3.6.3.

Autoload mode The “Autoload” mode can be activated by using the “Automode” command from the Transfers menu. In this mode, selected cells of protocol specific columns are uploaded automatically to the computer.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 3.
Protocol Editing Tool User’s Guide functionality When the variables have been read, the result of the operation will be shown in the following dialog: )LJ0000014 7KH GLDJQRVWLFV UHVXOWV GLDORJ Just after this dialog is shown, the POD tool starts asynchronously to read the “In Use”.3.7. POD binary file A binary file will be created automatically when the Protocol editing tool is closed. This binary file is created as it may be useful in other CAP 505 tools. Saving a protocol configuration A protocol configuration can be saved in the “work” directory, in the “user templates”.CAP 505 Protocol Editing Tool 1MRS751982-MUM 3. Protocol Editing Tool User’s Guide functionality Printing An opened configuration can be sent to the printer with the “Print” command from the File menu. After the print dialog opens, the user can choose the printer properties and start printing.Exit.6 Export.6 Exported File. 19 Fast Edit Mode.18 Field Configuration.1 File Menu.5 General group.
Abb Software Download
11 Grey Columns. 11 Help Menu.9 In Use Signals.8 ABB Automation.Tools Menu.9 Transfers Menu.
8 Update Configuration List. 15 Upload.8 User Interface.3 User Template.
3 Virtual Filtering. 8 Visible table.23 White Columns.11 Work configuration.3 ABB Automation.This chapter contains information on how to send customer feedback. Customer feedback database Customer Feedback is a Lotus Notes database which ABB companies can use to report errors, make improvement proposals and queries related to products manufactured by ABB Substation Automation Oy. The Customer Feedback. In case of a clear error the report will be moved to the change management system of ABB Substation Automation Oy. In this system the error will be analysed in detail and corrected in a future patch release or major release depending on the severity and impact of the error.