Priyanka Bold Telugu Font

Download AkrutiDevPriyankaBoldTrueType font. Download 151,703 Free fonts at The best website for free high-quality Telugu Priyanka Bold fonts, with 26 free Telugu Priyanka Bold fonts for immediate download, and 49 professional Telugu Priyanka. Apple layout is the second most famous layout on non-Unicode Telugu. J$s T&+T. Qs+ sE ys+.
Nirmala UIBoldNirmala UI BoldNirmala UI BoldVersion 1.10NirmalaUI-BoldNirmala is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Microsoft CorporationTiro Typeworks: David Brezina (Gujarati), Valentin Brustaux (Telugu & Kannada), Jo De Baerdemaeker (Bengali), John Hudson (Devanagari, Odia, Gurmukhi & Sinhala), Fernando Mello (Malayalam & Tamil), Fiona Ross (Devanagari, overall design direction). Latin subset: Segoe UI, Steve Matteson.may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content.

Telugu Fonts For Ms Word
Ecotect software download. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.,.

Google Telugu Fonts
Typing Guide for Telugu aా అ ఆbబ భcచ ఛ క్షdద ధ డ ఢ ౘ ద్ధ ద్వ ద్య ద్ద ద్నeె ే ై ఎ ఏ ఐ ౖfఫgగ ఘ ఙ జ్ఞhహ హ్మ హ్య హ్ల హ్న హ్వiి ీ ఇ ఈjజ ఝ ఞ జ్ఞkక ఖ క్తlల ళ ౢ ౣ ఌ ౡmమnన ణoొ ో ౌ ఒ ఓ ఔpప ఫqrర ్ర ృ ర్ ఱ ఱ్ ౄ ఋ ౠsస శ ష శ్రtత థ ట ఠ త్ర ౙuు ూ ఉ ఊv,wవx్yయ ఞzఁ ం ః ౕ ఽTelugu Numerals Use capital case (Left SHIFT + key) to type some commonly used characters faster. Aఅ ఆBభCఛ క్షDడ ఢ ౘEఎ ఏ ఐGఘ ఙIఇ ఈJఝ ఞKఖLళ ఌ ౡNణOఒ ఓ ఔRఋ ౠSశ ష శ్రTట ఠ త్ర ౙUఉ ఊYఞZఽ.