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The ability to play on high setting really does depend on what you are doing, I have a fairly decent PC, I can run max settings at 60fps most of the time if I am running solo, or even when I run two clients together. However add in certain skills and effects and it all goes to hell quickly.For example I sometimes like to PVP with faster cast LMP/GMP arctic breath totems. Not because freezing is OP, but because two of those baby's pumping out all their projectiles is enough to melt most peoples PC and even crash some. I generally run smoothly. It seems to depend on a lot of weird factors. My pc is running an i7-2600k with dual 2gb radeon 6970's on crossfire, 8gb of RAM.
TechnoMage: Return of Eternity screenshots: Once upon a time, in the far mythical land of Gothos, lived a happy and hard-working nation, which was suddenly struck by horrible perils. The hatred and the bloody war that followed it proved both the nation's ability to build and use machines of war and its spell-casting abilities. Master technomage United States Level. Power Player. Im really hopping to get into PC gameing View more info.
Most of the time it's smooth, but I've found the Catalyst settings that come with my video driver sometimes play around with the framerate. I seem to get best performance setting PoE's profile to disable crossfire and turning all of the Catalyst settings to lowest (for some reason there is no way to totally deactivate the supposed 'enhancements' the video driver comes with, such as forced antialiasing. Wtf.) It still very occasionally slows down slightly in framerate in huge battles, and I find a noticable difference between fullscreen, windowed fullscreen and window mode.Edit: So I finally figured out how to disable the Catalyst Control at a resting 150fps in max settings. Not sure how it fares in big battles yet. TL:DR wall of textYou will obviously get bogged down playing on max settings doesn't matter if you have a great rig, a good one or a bad one.

What it is, just like with any MMO or Action-RPG the amount QUANTITY of those maxed out effects INCREASES so the max setting is a variable not a constant, because you are experiencing on your screen during a large mob fight what 6 individual people would experience at once (assuming you are playing in a group of 6). All the effects are being processed through your machine for all 6 party members or whoever is on screen, and all the mobs, and terrain and every visible thing requiring rendering and a frame rate. So yes in group play it would require a much more impressive machine to play at max settings. Because along with the quality increase you have a quantity increase which exponential increases the system requirements needed to render and smoothly run all the visuals at once.
You will experience choopy game play and frame drop and what some might call 'lag' but it is just your machine not being able to render and display all the content on the screen at once.Any one can test this out, get into a party of six and go get into a fight with big visual and rendering requirements, as soon as the frames start to drop or the game gets choppy, all you have to do is separate from each other or reduce the amount of visuals being displayed on your screen at that one moment. I GUARANTEE to you that as you back away from the fight the game will slowly become smoother. This happens in MANY games, old and new, they can improve some things game end to make this a less common event but it will still occur always in all games, which is why many people who you see playing professionally or on permadeath setting will probably be playing most of the games on a lower setting because who really cares if you are maxed out on settings rather than if the game looks okay and plays consistently well. Which it will not ever play consistently well at max settings in group play.
That is just a basic fundamental of rendering and visual effects in games, which even on their own require substantial system requirements to be completely seamless. That's good to know, but it is still fundamentally obviously that in the right circumstances any rig could experience (and may be very short) but some drop in frame rate or choppy play. Computers in general are not that consistent on their own to boast a claim that you NEVER have or NEVER will, the fact is it will happen. Computers are not that consistent, even idle you can see random increases and decreases in the memory used by any process at any given time that is running on your machine. You just may never see or notice the drop if your rig is up there, but it will happen, there are too many inconsistencies in the way memory is allocated and how visuals are rendered and how information is sent and received from the server. It's possible (and generally completely necassary) to design games around the limitations of the machines they are intended to be played on.While you are technically correct, it's far less noticable in many games because they deliberately limit things like particle effects and object path calculations so that you don't end up with more happening at any given time than a computer could be realistically expected to handle. GGG are well on their way to implementing optimizations to improve the way things are handled but for now, the simple fact is there are lots of people who are getting consistent framerate issues with PoE that they aren't getting with other comparable games.
I'm really glad they are working on it, as I think it's a very important issue.

More PlayStation Games to Consider.DetailsNAEUJPAUSystem: PlayStation; Reviews: 5Tags: RPG, ActionRelease Date: June 7, 2000 (North America)System: PlayStation; Reviews: 0Tags: RPG, ActionRelease Date: March 27, 1998 (North America)System: PlayStation; Reviews: 0Tags: RPG, ActionRelease Date: June, 1999 (Europe)At HonestGamers, we love reader reviews. If you're a great writer, we'd love to host your Technomage: Return to Eternity review on this page.
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