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Phaser 750Setting up the printer for TCP/IP printingThe Xerox Installer for Windows automatically performs the following functions to set up your printer:.Locates your printer on the network.Suggests an IP address for the printer if one has not already been assigned (for example, from the front panel or by DHCP). You are given the opportunity to accept the automatically assigned address or assign a different one.
For information on other methods of setting the printer's IP address, see.Installs PhaserPort for Windows (if not already installed).
Cara Mengganti Ip Address Dengan Software Free
If an instance requires a fixed external IP address that does not change, youcan obtain a static external IP address for that instance using one of thefollowing options:. and become a static external IP address.If you require a static IP address on your internal Compute Enginenetwork, readinstead.In Compute Engine, each VM instance can have.Each interface can have both internal and external IP addresses. Forwardingrules can have external IP addresses for external load balancing or internaladdresses for internal load balancing.
To learn about IP addresses, readthe documentation. Before you begin.
If you want to use the command-line examples in this guide:. Install or update to the latest version of the. If you want to use the API examples in this guide. Read.Reserving a new static external IP addressA static external IP address is an external IP address that is reserved for yourproject until you decide to.
If you have an IPaddress that your customers or users rely on to access your service, you canreserve that IP address so that only your project can use it. It is alsopossible toto a static external IP address.You can reserve two types of external IP addresses:. A regional IP address which can be used bywith one or more network interfacesor by. A global IP address which can be used for global load balancers:, and.Reserve a static external IP address in the gcloud command-line tool orthrough the API. After reserving the address, assign it to an instance duringor to an.Restrictions.Only one resource at a time can use a static external IP address.There is no way to tell whether an IP address is static or ephemeral afterit has been assigned to a resource, except to compare the IP address againstthe list of static external IP addresses reserved to that project. Use thesub-command to see a list of static external IP addresses available to theproject.Each VM instance can have,but each interface can have only one external IP address that is eitherephemeral or static. Note: Don't replaceIPADDRESS with the name of the static IP.

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You must usethe actual IP address. Gcloud compute instances add-access-config INSTANCENAME -access-config-name 'ACCESSCONFIGNAME' -address IPADDRESSwhere:. INSTANCENAME is the name of the instance. ACCESSCONFIGNAME is name to call this access config. Makesure to include the full name between quotes.
IPADDRESS is the IP address to add.If you want Compute Engine to assign an ephemeral external IPaddress rather than using a static external IP address, omit the-address IPADDRESS property: gcloud compute instances add-access-config INSTANCENAME -access-config-name 'ACCESSCONFIGNAME'Promoting an ephemeral external IP addressIf your instance has anand you want to permanently assign the IP to your project, promote the ephemeralexternal IP address to a static external IP address. Promoting an ephemeralexternal IP address to reserved does not cause GCP to droppackets sent to the instance. This includes packets sent to the instancedirectly or by means of a load balancer. Console. Go to the External IP addresses page in the GCP Console. Click the IP address you want to get more information about.gcloudTo use gcloud compute addresses describe: gcloud compute addresses describe ADDRESSNAMEwhere ADDRESSNAME is the name of the external IP address you want todescribe.

APITo make a request to the API directly, make a GET request with an emptyrequest body to the following URI: ADDRESSNAME is the name of the IP address. REGION is the name of the region for this request. PROJECTID is the project ID for this request.Unassigning a static external IP addressYou can unassign a static external IP address byor deleting the access config attached to the instance that is using theaddress.
Unassigning a static external IP address allows you to reassign thestatic external IP address to another resource.Unassigning an IP address removes it from the resource but keeps the IP addressreserved to your project. You can tell that a static IP address is in use byperforming a gcloud compute addresses list request: gcloud compute addresses listA response might look similar to the following: NAME REGION ADDRESS STATUSexample-address REGION RESERVEDexample-address-new REGION INUSEIn this example, example-address-new is currently in use.To delete an instance's access config and unassign a static external IP address,follow these steps:.Get the name of the access config to delete. To get the name, perform agcloud compute instances describe request: gcloud compute instances describe INSTANCENAMEwhere INSTANCENAME is the name of the instance.The access config appears in the following format: networkInterfaces:- accessConfigs:- kind: compute#accessConfigname: external-natnatIP: ONETOONENATNote: The name of your access config might be different thanexternal-nat; make sure to check for your own access config name. In somecases, an older version of the access config name, External NAT, might beused.Delete the access config. Note: Keep in mind that if an instance does not have an access config,it will not be able to access the Internet.Use thesub-command: gcloud compute instances delete-access-config INSTANCENAME -access-config-name 'ACCESSCONFIGNAME'where:. INSTANCENAME is the name of the instance.
ACCESSCONFIGNAME is the name of the access config to delete.Make sure to include the full name between quotes.Check that your static external IP address is now available and marked asRESERVED instead of INUSE. Gcloud compute addresses listFor example: NAME REGION ADDRESS STATUSexample-address REGION RESERVEDexample-address-new REGION RESERVEDNow that your static external IP address is available, you can choose to. Releasing a static external IP addressIf you no longer need a static external IP address, you can release the addressso that it is returned to the general IP pool for other Compute Engineusers. Note: You can only release a static IP address if it is not being used byanother resource. Console. Go to the External IP addresses page in the GCP Console.
Check the box next to the IP address to release. Click Release IP address.gcloudUsing the gcloud command-line tool: gcloud compute addresses delete ADDRESSNAMEwhere ADDRESSNAME is the name of the IP address. APITo make a request to the API directly, make a DELETE request to thefollowing URI with an empty request body: ADDRESSNAME is the name of the IP address. REGION is the name of the region for this request. PROJECTID is the project ID for this request.Choosing an internal IP address at instance creationOptionally, you can choose a specific internal IP address to assign to aninstance when you create it. The IP address must be a valid IP address of thesubnet of the instance, and the IP address must not already be in use. The IPaddress remains attached to the instance until you delete the instance, whichreleases the IP address back into the pool.
If you stop and restart theinstance, the instance retains the same internal IP address.If you do not specify an IP address, Compute Engine automaticallyallocates one from the subnet or network. You can specify an internal IPaddress using the gcloud command-line tool or the API.