Joe Haldeman_the Forever War_reupload Epub Mobi Files

Joe Haldeman_the Forever War_reupload Epub Mobi Files Rating: 4,6/5 1589 votes

The PDF version of Adrift on the Sea of Rains was a bit awkward for me because. Ereader files allow the reader to size and resize the font, and usually. 44 johnnyapollo:: As in the Joe Haldeman short, 'A!tangled web', which is. Reading The Forever war in the 'definitive' edition which has a different. The forever war by joe haldeman By Margaret Killjoy @magpiekilljoy. As far as I know, The Forever War (1974, St. Martin’s Press) is basically the antiwar sci-fi novel. Between it and Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, you’ve got the “why it sucks to go to war” pretty well covered. The forever war Download the forever war or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get the forever war book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want.

I finally read The Forever war. Pretty decent read.Reminded me of the reason why I like 'old school' sci-fi compared to new school.Old school they mentioned such things as the possible time difference between a planet bound person, and a person travelling at near light speed.I really wish I could get my hands on the complete Star Rebel series written by F. Busby.I'll put this book along with the Hammer's Slammers series by David Drake, The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell, Starship Troopers, The Few F. Busby books I have, Armor by John Steakly, and the various books by David Webber and John Ringo. Back in the 80's I read a book. I think Heinlein was the author. The gist was the Government was recruiting Twins.

They the government, discovered twins had 'telepathy'. That they could communicate at long ranges and at faster the light speed. So one twin stayed on earth the other got to explore the stars.

When the voyage was other and the twin returned home, the age difference was clear. The one travelling at near light had only aged 10-20 years. Where as the one that stayed on earth had aged over 100.Then, like in the case of the Lost Fleet, battles where planed out and conducted days/hours ahead of time. That when things started happening, the battle was already over.With FM Busby's 'The long View' the Hero of the story made plans to met up with other rebels. He took the 'long view' because time in space at near light passed differently then time on a planet. In fact Busby's characters had 2 ages. A ship ages and a planet age.edit: I will check out more of Haldeman's works.

Said by:I finally read The Forever war. Pretty decent read.Reminded me of the reason why I like 'old school' sci-fi compared to new school.Old school they mentioned such things as the possible time difference between a planet bound person, and a person travelling at near light speed.I really wish I could get my hands on the complete Star Rebel series written by F. Busby.I'll put this book along with the Hammer's Slammers series by David Drake, The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell, Starship Troopers, The Few F. Busby books I have, Armor by John Steakly, and the various books by David Webber and John Ringo.There are 2 sequels to the book as well, Forever Peace and Forever Free. You should check those out as well. Well, 1 is a sequel the other is a parallel story or something. My books are all packed up in boxes right now so I can't double check but they're worth the time.edit: You mention Starship Troopers.

I believe that Forever War was written as a response to Starship Troopers, which makes them interesting to compare in that light. What I recall from Starship Troopers was in order to vote/be a citizen, you had to serve in the military.In Forever war:At one point medical help was cut off for people over a certain age. I think 70.Another point heterosexuality was illegal. The earth had a huge population and the Eugenics board decided the best way to control it was to make everyone homosexual, and make heterosexuals 'deviant' behaviour. Granted by the end of the book, that was taking care of by clones, and colonization of planets.

Clones served in the military and took over running things.Also In the book, it was shown that military members were supposed to partner up and have sex with each other. At first it was hetro, then progressed to homo.I know Heinlein had an interesting take on human sexuality.

I don't recall if he touched upon sex in Starship Troopers.In FM Busby's book 'Star Rebel', the cadets had to take turns providing sex for each other. If they refused, they could be put out the air lock. If they were gay, they could also be spaced.I dunno why the authors of the time felt that sex within the military had to be compulsory, or even required. Why not just have a 'entertainment' platoon provide for the sexual needs of the troops?But then again, using sex also allows to build an 'intense' emotional bond. For example in Star Rebel, the hero has a female friend spaced.

She was part of his motivation to rebel against the powers that be.edit:I just found a link that has 14 of his titles in PDF format. I have never read PDf bbok length. I wonder if the Ipad or the Nexus 7 can handle PDFs and how I'd get them on those devices things to figure out later.».

The Forever War Summary

You named quite a few good older sci-fi books. The Forever War, Starship Troopers, the Hammer's Slammers series, Armor, etc.I loved The Forever War the first time I read it, and I've probably read it 3 or 4 times. The same goes for Starship Troopers, Ender's Game, and Redliners (action sci-fi by David Drake). My paper copies of these books are beat to hell, but I'll always have the e-pubs, I guess.If you like space opera (I've never really understood that term, to be honest ) David Weber and Steve White wrote a few books together that were pretty good: Insurrection, Crusade, In Death Ground, and The Shiva Option.And for reasons I can't really explain, The Space Eater by David Langford is one of my favorite books, even though it's not as sci-fi-ish as the rest.I'll have to look into the Star Rebel series by FM Busby.Also Haldeman's other works. Not sure how legit this site is:»But they have a collection of Busby's books for $2.90. They are all PDF files.I'm going to nab them shortly.I loved Webber and Ringo's March series.

It was supposed to be longer then what it was, but according to Ringo Webber is really busy.I think I have read all of David Drake's space stuff. Even some of his other works like the Roman legion taken to space to fight on worlds with similar tech, as well as the one about an Alien running around Rome being hunted by a Roman.I am also a fan of Casca the ones by Barry Sadler, and Gor, the counter earth.But then again, I am a fan of Tarzan and John Carter. As well as Conan and Solomon Kane. I also like Jack Chalker, and Roger Roger Zelazny.I guess I like the old school stuff due to lack of swearing and descriptive sexual content.

I find also some of the older stuff has some interesting ideas on wha the future our time might be like. I have a few Roger Zelaney books somewhere. I remember them as being about the human drama when an incredibly advanced piece of technology was either discovered or went haywire.

Good stuff.I have a few books by John Ringo and they're pretty good books. I haven't read his stuff in a while though. Gust Front, A Hymn Before Battle, and the Troy Rising trilogy. Also good stuff.If the PDF files don't have DRM attached, you could use a program like calibre (») to convert them to epubs or other formats that are easier to read on a tablet or e-ink e-reader.When I find a good book somewhere that's available for download, I usually run it through calibre to turn it into an e-pub and maybe sigil to change the formatting to suit the way I read stuff on my Nook.I have a paper copy of Redliners but found that Baen was giving it away for free as an epub: » (There's a fair amount of swearing though). I'ce read old man's war, and Lucifer's Hammer is a fav of mine.There is a modern 'remake' of it, called Cannibal reign.»I call it a 'remake' because it's pretty similar to Lucifer's Hammer. Though, I think it's a darker retelling.I never heard of A Talent for War, I'll have to look it up.Another favorite quartet of books is from Ringo and Webber. The first one starts off with a very spoiled Prince, who is protected by an elite group of Marines.

Their ship crashes on a very hostile world, and it goes on from there.