Fire Emblem Real War Chronicles Patch
This is, without a doubt, the best Valkyria Chronicles game ever released. The games is almos the sames as Valkyria Chronicles 1, which is actually a really good thing, since previous games had tried to innovate with terrible results.
Real War does much of what the title suggests - it puts you in command of realistic, modern warfare in a real-time strategy setting. All of the units are relistically taken from authentic. Get involved with the Markyjoe community, or check out FE hacking resources, or look at. IPS patches function similarly, but require Lunar IPS in order to patch.
The game is based on a solid story, with unique gameplay and graphics that never grow old, add to that an amazing OST and you will have the best anime-ish This is, without a doubt, the best Valkyria Chronicles game ever released. The games is almos the sames as Valkyria Chronicles 1, which is actually a really good thing, since previous games had tried to innovate with terrible results. The game is based on a solid story, with unique gameplay and graphics that never grow old, add to that an amazing OST and you will have the best anime-ish game you can play along with Persona 5.
Valkyria chronicles 4 is easily the best game SEGA in years, and came in to satisfy my tactical RPG craving after Fire Emblem Three Houses got delayed. VC4 is about a group of friend from a town called Haften who join the military during the Second Europan War for both revenge against the a group called the Imperial Alliance for destroying their home town, and to defend their home Valkyria chronicles 4 is easily the best game SEGA in years, and came in to satisfy my tactical RPG craving after Fire Emblem Three Houses got delayed. VC4 is about a group of friend from a town called Haften who join the military during the Second Europan War for both revenge against the a group called the Imperial Alliance for destroying their home town, and to defend their home country of Gallia. The main characters are really likeable for the most part, I find the main protagonist Claude to be nothing special compared to most JRPG protagonists, but the rest of ther cast and even the soldiers who don't play a major role in the story can have some interesting character development.
Graphically it looks phenominal, I love the painting like look the game has and i love how otomotapias appear when you do stuff like fire your gun or blow something up. The music is also amazing, composer Hitoshi Sakimoto who is known for the likes of Final Fantasy Tactics and Ogre Battle knows how to compose music for Tactical RPGs and VC4 is no exeption. It has this dramatic feel to it which can match the tone some situations to the Game play.
As for the voice acting like most of this game is phenominal, my favorite has to go to Greg Chun as the loud mouth Raz and if you don't want to hear the English voices, you can download the japanese ones from the Eshop for free. Gameplay consists of a combination of what i can describe as Fire emblem with third person shooter elements. Each turn, you start with a certain amount of command points which you use to move your units, you can either use all your command points or save them for the next turn. When moving your units, you have a choice of either firing your weapon or using an item like a grenade or health. What makes Valkyria chronicles stand out from other Tactical RPGs is that each unit has what are called potentials which can do things like increase accuracy or defend yourself from enemy attacks but there are also some that can cause a negative effect such as let you drop your grenades or even end your unit's turn.
You can also use command points on Orders which can help you increase your allie's defense and or have them retreat from ther battlefield. There are 6 classes: Scout which have high movement but have low offensive abilities, Shocktroopers who use machine guns and are have good defense but low movement, Lancers who are strong against tanks but are poor at close range, Engineers who can repair ranks and can revive fallen allies but have poor offense and defense, Snipers, who can attack from a long range but have low HP and defense, and Grenaders who fire explosives from a far distance, but can't seem to hit anything durring the enemy phase. As for the Tanks they can do a lot of damage but don't heal after the enemy turn and have a weakspot on the back that if an enemy lancer hits, your done for.
Like Fire Emblem there are a few side Chapters which while not mandatory for the story, can help you earn more EXP or unlock new Potentials for your allies. After each battle you ean a certain ammount of EXP and money, and sometimes a special weapon or accessory, you also have the option to go to HQ, there, you can spend EXP to level up your Units, learn Orders in the mess hall and upgrade your equipment in the R&D facillity. Now if a unit dies on the battle field it can get rough you have to get to the unit with one of your others before three turns pass or an enemy touches them because unless they're important to the story, if they die they're gone for good, and unlike Fire Embelm, THERE IS NO CASUAL MODE Now it may look like i'm showing this game with nothing but praise, but it's far from perfect, for one there are way too many cutscenes and which can drag on for way too long until you finally can play a map, another though minor complaint is that the game can has a huge difficulty spike near the end.
But my biggest complaint is that the enemy takes FOREVER to take their turn even if you set it to fast mode. But aside form those complaints, it's a fantastic game, if you love Tactical RPG, I highly recommend this game. I give a 9/10 Expand. Valkyria Chronicles 4 is nearly a clone of Valkyria Chronicles 1, which in this game is actually a good thing and a relief after the Azure Revolution that was terrible. That being said while it IS a good game there is one important flaw that I need to address: the story. The story feels more or less like the devs came up in a bit of rush, then stretched it thin using many micro Valkyria Chronicles 4 is nearly a clone of Valkyria Chronicles 1, which in this game is actually a good thing and a relief after the Azure Revolution that was terrible.

That being said while it IS a good game there is one important flaw that I need to address: the story. The story feels more or less like the devs came up in a bit of rush, then stretched it thin using many micro fillers. It's not bad by any means, but I can't say that it's good either. The first one in the series had a much better story I'm afraid. Don't let my review disappoint you too much though, you'll still enjoy it, just don't expect it to be quite as epic as the first one Expand. Overall it's a solid game, but there's very little to make this one unique.
It's pretty nearly identical to Valkyria Chronicles 1. I like the visual style, but parts of the game are pretty sloppy. The game doesn't always match up visually & mechanically. Sometimes a soldier can't move through a gap big enough for them to easily do so.
Fire Emblem Rom Hacks 2019
Other times you'll have a clear line of sight to an Overall it's a solid game, but there's very little to make this one unique. It's pretty nearly identical to Valkyria Chronicles 1. I like the visual style, but parts of the game are pretty sloppy. The game doesn't always match up visually & mechanically. Sometimes a soldier can't move through a gap big enough for them to easily do so. Other times you'll have a clear line of sight to an enemy, but your shots will all hit a barrier when fired.
The story was fine, but it was pretty long. At times I felt like there was too much & some parts got pretty tedius. Also there were a few too many love stories crammed into a war narrative for my liking. Even though there's a 4 at the end of this game, it might as well be the first notable sequel in the Valkryia Chronicles series to come out on a non-portable console in a decade.
VC 4 is almost a carbon copy sequel to VC 1, even though the story is it's own thing and doesn't require having played the first one to enjoy. The gameplay is a mix of SRPG and an action RPG, to create its own Even though there's a 4 at the end of this game, it might as well be the first notable sequel in the Valkryia Chronicles series to come out on a non-portable console in a decade.
VC 4 is almost a carbon copy sequel to VC 1, even though the story is it's own thing and doesn't require having played the first one to enjoy. The gameplay is a mix of SRPG and an action RPG, to create its own brand of gameplay that's still not been seen much in other games.
It's fun and enjoyable but not for the the faint of heart as connecting on attacks can be a problem sometimes. The story is wonderful, but I have to dock it a few points for not having anything to do with the original game. It's very emotional though and does a great job of getting you to bond with the characters in the game. The ending is very well done and really kept my interest the entire time. I loved all the characters in Squad E as they all have their own personalities and are beautifully voice acted. It's something that is very impressive with over 30-40 characters that each are their own people.
Fire Emblem Requiem Gba Rom
It was very well done. I would say though that I'd recommend playing this on another system that's not the Switch because I had tons and tons of slow down towards the end of the game with lots going on the screen at a time. It got to a point at the end of the game where it really started to affect my enjoyment of the game. It never froze on me but got to a point multiple times where it was very close to doing so. It's not something that ruined the experience but I'd recommend anyone who's interested to try it on a more powerful system to hopefully avoid that problem.
VC 4 is an amazing and different RPG style game that I really hope does very well in the west. Enough to let Sega know that we want remasters of 2 and 3 on a proper console as they are essentially brand new games, especially for everyone in the west. It's definitely something that I hope to see in the future. Runs well on switch, nice and quite machine. The game is good and well worth over $40. I'm glad the developers produced this gem.
The frost boarder is no good and the black ink scribble art filter is garbage. The game play is excellent and a step up from the first VC. Something that really pisses me off is the book.
I skip most of the story and have to wait for loading everything I'm going Runs well on switch, nice and quite machine. The game is good and well worth over $40. I'm glad the developers produced this gem. The frost boarder is no good and the black ink scribble art filter is garbage.
The game play is excellent and a step up from the first VC. Something that really pisses me off is the book. I skip most of the story and have to wait for loading everything I'm going to skip to go onto the game play, I'm talking ten load screens to get to the next battle. I say simply roll the cut scenes damn it. Use the book as a selective tab for reference on story if you want to go back and watch something. It is stupid. like this that wastes time and is something that I would like to think would be common sense in development.
On a good note the art design for the characters is first class. Kai the sniper has a beautiful rain jacket. Lots of new additions in this game such as morter firing team mates, apc tanks etc. A single battle can go on and on for hours so prepare for war. If your on the fence about buying the game and if you dig turn base this is a good one to pick up. Anyways, enjoy it's a good game IMO.
This game was a fantastic improvement over the original. While the gameplay is mostly unchanged, the new things they added created a more intense and fun battlefield. The story was also a lot more enjoyable than the first one. Not without it's share of loss, but every moment of sadness was matched equally with moments of joy and cheer. This was exactly the game I needed to hold myself over This game was a fantastic improvement over the original. While the gameplay is mostly unchanged, the new things they added created a more intense and fun battlefield.
The story was also a lot more enjoyable than the first one. Not without it's share of loss, but every moment of sadness was matched equally with moments of joy and cheer. This was exactly the game I needed to hold myself over until Fire Emblem, and a must play if you enjoy tactical strategy games Expand. It is more of the same for Valkyria Chronicles 4 - and that's no bad thing. Going back to what SEGA did best with this series following the awful Revolution was really all that was necessary, even if it might feel too familiar if coming off of playing the first game recently. Comic book visuals, a story based on World War II, appealing anime-like characters, a mix of overhead and third-person strategic and real-time gameplay - there are so many crazy ideas melded together, and yet it all comes off so well. There still isn't a series much like it.