Speakonia Voices Online Now
It is online for personal use, because we use GOOGLE to search in the blog. Each file is protected and the access to the actual files is restricted for the public. These requests should only be submitted by the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on the owner’s behalf. However, If you believe your copyright-protected work was posted on rockalbumsfree7 without authorization and legal rights, you may submit a copyright infringement notification. Caifanes rar.

Wizzard Software offers state of the art Speech Technologies, Usage licensing, and Support to enable Developers and Integrators to add voice output (TTS) to their Applications and Projects. With offerings from AT&T, developers will find everything they need for speech recognition, and text to speech development and integration.
Feel free to use the generated audio for any of your projects (commercial or personal). Hope it's useful for you:)This online tool lets you generate a style voice (not the exact original) that you can play and download easily.Just wait for it to load (it may take a minute or so as it's a 2mb piece of software) then type your text in the box and click 'Speak'.
Funny Voices Online

You can download the speech by clicking the link that will appear under the 'Speak' button.Old-school text to speech is great fun to play around with. Try testing it on long or hard to pronounce words, use it to narrate your silly YouTube video, post it as a message to a friend's facebook wall - the possibilities are endless.All thanks goes to for porting the to JavaScript!If there's anything I can do to improve 'Microsoft Sam Online', please let me know!Note: I was alerted in the comments to the fact that this is not quite the Microsoft Sam voice! It's apparently the voice synthesizer used by Ubuntu. I'll keep my eye out for a JavaScript port of the actual Microsoft Sam voice and update this translator if I find it.
Until then I hope that you found this page mainly looking for a general computerised voice rather than the exact Microsoft Sam accent. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Speakonia Demo
CFS-Technologies Speakonia is a FREE Text-To-Speech (TTS) Program. The easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) is similar to Notepad. Speakonia reads aloud any given text with just one mouse click! The reading can be paused, resumed and can be exported to a wave file. In addition Speakonia is able to fetch webpages through an internal http interface and read them aloud for you. You can even have your mails read to you using the'Clipboard Reading'feature.System Requirements: 200MHz, 24 MB RAM, 2 MB HDDOperating Systems: Windows2000, WinXP, WinNT 4.x, WinNT 3.x, WinME, Win98, Win95.